Thursday, January 29, 2009


Wiring Diagram for Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)


Komposisi-Terdiri dari potentiometer (perintang 3 terminal membentuk pembahagi voltan boleh laras) yang dipasang pada throttle shaft

Composition- consist of potentiometer ( 3-terminal resistor that forms an adjustable voltage divider) connected to the throttle shaft on the throttle body

Lokasi-Terletak pada bahagian throttle body dimana kabel minyak disambungkan kepadanya.

Location-positioned in the throttle body where accelerator pedal is connected.

Fungsi utama-mengesan sudut pembukaan throttle valve akibat dari penekanan pedal minyak.

Main function-to detect the opening angle of throttle valve resulting from pressing accelerator pedal.

Cara operasi-TPS terdiri dari 5V supply dan GND wayar yang dibekalkan oleh ECU. TPS signal wayar akan menghantar perubahan voltan yang terhasil dari gerakan throttle valve akibat dari penekanan pedal minyak. Pada keadaan throttle valve tertutup, nilai voltan TPS signal adalah -1.25V manakala pada keadaan terbuka secara maksima, nilai voltan TPS signal adalah 5V. Signal dari TPS akan digunakan oleh ECU untuk mengawal kadar pancitan bahanapi..... dari mahfidz

Operation method-The TPS electrical circuit consists of a 5V supply line and a ground (GND)path line, both provided by the ECU. A third wire is used as a TPS signal line to the ECU. By monitoring the voltage on the signal line, the ECU calculates throttle position. As the throttle valve angle is changed (accelerator pedal moved), the signal voltage of the TPS also changes. At closed throttle position, the signal of the TPS is low -1.25 volts. As the throttle valve opens, the signal voltage increases so that, at wide open throttle it should be approximately 5 volts. TPS signal will be used by ECU to control the amount of injected fuel to combustion chamber... written by Mahfidz

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Wiring Diagram for Oxygen Sensor


Komposisi-Terdiri dari seramik zirconia yang sensitif kepada kehadiran oksigen dalam gas eksos dan mengeluarkan voltage signal di antara 0.1V (lean) hingga 0.9V(rich).

Composition- consist of zirconia ceramic which is sensitive to oxygen content in the gas exhaust and generate own voltage between 0.1V(lean) and 0.9V(rich)

Lokasi-Terletak pada paip eksos, biasanya selepas exhaust manifold.

Location-positioned in the exhaust pipe, normally after exhaust manifold

Fungsi utama-mengesan keadaan campuran bahanapi dengan udara samada kurang atau berlebihan oksigen

Main function-to detect the lean and rich mixture

Cara operasi-Oksigen sensor mengesan kandungan oksigen di dalam gas eksos. Output dari oksigen sensor (voltage antara 0.1V hingga 0.9V) akan disambungkan ke ECU dan voltage signal ini akan memberitahu ECU tentangan campuran bahan api samada berkeadaan kurang atau berlebihan oksigen. ECU akan menggunakan maklumat ini untuk meningkat atau mengurangkan jumlah bahanapi yang perlu dipancitkan bagi mendapatkan ratio udara dan bahanapi yang tepat (14.7:1) dimana bacaan voltage signal adalah 0.45V. Oksigen sensor berfungsi bila suhu berada pada takat 600 darjah F dan berada dalam "closed loop control". Dengan memastikan keadaan campuran udara dan bahan api berada dalam ratio yang betul, hasil pembakaran dan keberkesanan sistem katalist eksos dapat di optimakan. Closed-Loop control sistem hanya berlaku pada enjin yang dilengkapi dengan oksigen sensor. Bila enjin beroperasi dalam kawalan "close-loop", signal dari oksigen sensor akan digunakan oleh ECU untuk mengubah "injector pulse" supaya ratio antara udara dan bahanapi (AFR) sentiasa berada dalam keadaan "stoichiometric" (14.7:1) dimana pembakaran lengkap dapat dicapai.

Operation method-The oxygen sensor continuously detects the oxygen content in the exhaust gas and its output signal (between 0.1V and 0.9V) is connected to the ECU in order to inform the ECU if the vehicle is running rich or lean. The ECU uses this information to decide whether it needs to increase or decrease the fuel amount to achieve correct air-fuel ratio (14.7:1) where the voltage signal, at this moment, is 0.45V. Oxygen sensor operates when temperature reach 600 degree F and this is referred to as closed loop control. By ensuring that the air:fuel mixture is always correct, both combustion and catalyst efficiency are optimized. Closed-loop control system only occurs on engine equipped with oxygen sensor. When engine is operating under closed-loop control, signal from oxygen sensor will be used by ECU to modify the injector pulse in order to achieve stoichiometric air-fuel ratio (AFR) where perfect combustion could be obtained.... written by mahfidz

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Wiring Diagram for Air Flow Sensor (MAF)


Komposisi-Air Flow Sensor, biasanya, terdiri dari jenis Karman Vortex (guna frekuensi) dan Mass Air Flow sensor (guna hot wire).

Composition- Generally, two types of air flow sensors are used-Karman Vortex (based on frequency) and mass air flow sensor (based on hot wire).

Lokasi-Terletak di antara Penapis udara dan throttle body kereta

Location-Air flow sensor is located between air cleaner and throttle body

Fungsi utama-menyukat isipadu udara yang masuk ke ruang pembakaran enjin.

Main function-to measure the volume of intake air that goes to engine combustion chamber.

Cara operasi-Jenis Karman vortex- Voltan 5V dibekalkan oleh ECU kepada sensor dan kemasukan udara akan menyebabkan frekuensi voltage signal (square wave) meningkat dan signal ini akan dihantar ke ECU untuk diproses. Jenis Hot wire- Voltan 12V di bekalkan kepada sensor untuk memanaskan platinum wire. Kemasukan udara akan menyebabkan suhu platinum wire jatuh dan ECU akan membekalkan arus elektrik untuk menstabilkan suhu. Arus ini akan ditukarkan kepada voltage signal. Voltage signal akan dihantar ke ECU untuk diproses bagi menentukan jumlah bahanapi yang perlu dipancitkan. Selalunya, housing untuk air flow sensor akan didatangkan dengan intake air temperature sensor dan barometric pressure sensor..... dari mahfidz

Operation method-For Karman vortex, 5V is supplied by ECU to the sensor. Intake air that rushes in, will cause sensor to generate frequency which is proportional to the volume of air. For hot wire, 12V is supplied to the sensor to heat up platinum wire. When intake air strucks the hot platinum wire, its temperature drops and ECU will supply current to this wire to maintain its original temperatute. This current then has been converted into voltage signal to ECU. Voltage signal will be processed by ECU in order to determine the amount of fuel to be injected. Normally, air flow sensor's housing is packed together with intake air temperature sensor and barometric pressure sensor... written by mahfidz

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Johor Bahru, 10hb Januari 2009- Majlis Perundingan Usahawan Daerah Kota Tinggi (MPUDKT) telah turut serta dalam pertandingan Catur Bistari peringkat kebangsaan 2008/2009 yang diadakan di PESADA JOHOR convention center. Kelab TWISTER bersama dengan beberapa usahawan-usahawan MARA telah mewakili MPUD Kota Tinggi dalam pertandingan tersebut. Pertandingan Catur Bistari adalah idea dari Johor Corp, bertujuan untuk mencetus minat dan kesedaran pada golongan muda dalam bidang pengurusan kewangan dan keusahawanan dan menjadikan bidang ini sebagai kerjaya pilihan. Kelab TWISTER sekali lagi ingin mengucapkan berbanyak terimakasih kepada Puan Adina, setiausaha MPUDKT merangkap Pegawai MARA daerah Kota Tinggi, kerana sudi memberi peluang kepada ahli-ahli kelab TWISTER untuk turut serta dalam pertandingan tersebut.
Johor Bahru, 10th Jan 2009-Kota Tinggi Entrepreneur Consultation Council (MPUDKT) had participated in the Catur Bistari National Level Contest 2008/2009 which was held at PERSADA JOHOR convention center. In that contest, TWISTER Club together with other MARA Entrepreneurs were representing the MPUD Kota Tinggi. The Catur Bistari contest, organised by Johor Corp, had been aimed to promote entrepreneurship and create interest among young malaysians in both entrepreneurship and business and make these areas as their alternative working career. TWISTER Club, once again, would like to thank Ms. Adina, the Kota Tinggi Entrepreneur Consultation Council's secretary and a MARA Officer for Kota Tinggi, for giving an opportunity for TWISTER club members to participate in the contest.
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