Thursday, January 29, 2009


Wiring Diagram for Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)


Komposisi-Terdiri dari potentiometer (perintang 3 terminal membentuk pembahagi voltan boleh laras) yang dipasang pada throttle shaft

Composition- consist of potentiometer ( 3-terminal resistor that forms an adjustable voltage divider) connected to the throttle shaft on the throttle body

Lokasi-Terletak pada bahagian throttle body dimana kabel minyak disambungkan kepadanya.

Location-positioned in the throttle body where accelerator pedal is connected.

Fungsi utama-mengesan sudut pembukaan throttle valve akibat dari penekanan pedal minyak.

Main function-to detect the opening angle of throttle valve resulting from pressing accelerator pedal.

Cara operasi-TPS terdiri dari 5V supply dan GND wayar yang dibekalkan oleh ECU. TPS signal wayar akan menghantar perubahan voltan yang terhasil dari gerakan throttle valve akibat dari penekanan pedal minyak. Pada keadaan throttle valve tertutup, nilai voltan TPS signal adalah -1.25V manakala pada keadaan terbuka secara maksima, nilai voltan TPS signal adalah 5V. Signal dari TPS akan digunakan oleh ECU untuk mengawal kadar pancitan bahanapi..... dari mahfidz

Operation method-The TPS electrical circuit consists of a 5V supply line and a ground (GND)path line, both provided by the ECU. A third wire is used as a TPS signal line to the ECU. By monitoring the voltage on the signal line, the ECU calculates throttle position. As the throttle valve angle is changed (accelerator pedal moved), the signal voltage of the TPS also changes. At closed throttle position, the signal of the TPS is low -1.25 volts. As the throttle valve opens, the signal voltage increases so that, at wide open throttle it should be approximately 5 volts. TPS signal will be used by ECU to control the amount of injected fuel to combustion chamber... written by Mahfidz

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