Sunday, January 18, 2009


Wiring Diagram for Air Flow Sensor (MAF)


Komposisi-Air Flow Sensor, biasanya, terdiri dari jenis Karman Vortex (guna frekuensi) dan Mass Air Flow sensor (guna hot wire).

Composition- Generally, two types of air flow sensors are used-Karman Vortex (based on frequency) and mass air flow sensor (based on hot wire).

Lokasi-Terletak di antara Penapis udara dan throttle body kereta

Location-Air flow sensor is located between air cleaner and throttle body

Fungsi utama-menyukat isipadu udara yang masuk ke ruang pembakaran enjin.

Main function-to measure the volume of intake air that goes to engine combustion chamber.

Cara operasi-Jenis Karman vortex- Voltan 5V dibekalkan oleh ECU kepada sensor dan kemasukan udara akan menyebabkan frekuensi voltage signal (square wave) meningkat dan signal ini akan dihantar ke ECU untuk diproses. Jenis Hot wire- Voltan 12V di bekalkan kepada sensor untuk memanaskan platinum wire. Kemasukan udara akan menyebabkan suhu platinum wire jatuh dan ECU akan membekalkan arus elektrik untuk menstabilkan suhu. Arus ini akan ditukarkan kepada voltage signal. Voltage signal akan dihantar ke ECU untuk diproses bagi menentukan jumlah bahanapi yang perlu dipancitkan. Selalunya, housing untuk air flow sensor akan didatangkan dengan intake air temperature sensor dan barometric pressure sensor..... dari mahfidz

Operation method-For Karman vortex, 5V is supplied by ECU to the sensor. Intake air that rushes in, will cause sensor to generate frequency which is proportional to the volume of air. For hot wire, 12V is supplied to the sensor to heat up platinum wire. When intake air strucks the hot platinum wire, its temperature drops and ECU will supply current to this wire to maintain its original temperatute. This current then has been converted into voltage signal to ECU. Voltage signal will be processed by ECU in order to determine the amount of fuel to be injected. Normally, air flow sensor's housing is packed together with intake air temperature sensor and barometric pressure sensor... written by mahfidz

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